Earthbeats – Autumn/Winter term

Earth Beats


Earth Beats is a conscious dance in Stroud. It is a meditative, mindful, embodied, and ecstatic dance inspired by Open Floor International and Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms. It’s also inspired by ecstatic dance, Joanna Macy’s the Work That Reconnects (WTR), Tantra the Celtic Wheel of the Year and other earth-based spirituality. Earth Beats is also a laboratory and a place for experimenting, so it’s not possible to get it wrong. And everyone is welcome.


19th October Samhain (Actual date of samhain is 31 Oct) Lansdown Hall

2nd November – St Lukes Therapy Centre

16th November Lansdown Hall

30th November Lansdown Hall

14th December Winter Solstice (Actual date of Winter Solstice is 21 Dec) Lansdown Hall

7.15pm – 9.15pm


Cost: £12 on the door, £10 for those on low income, £8 concessions, free for crew.
Please speak to me in advance if money is an  issue. I am always looking for new crew to add to the current rota. Please drop me an email or give me a call.

These classes are drop-in. Pre-booking is not required. 


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